Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]WHiH – the only name to trust in Marvel news[/post_page_title]

During the opening credit montage, news footage flashes on the screen showing a report about Soviet espionage in Ohio, naturally referring to Natasha and her family. The news station, as seen on the bottom right, is WHiH25.

WHiH – the only name to trust in Marvel news

The station is no doubt a local affiliate of WHiH World News, the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s premiere news destination for superhero-related shenanigans. The network has appeared as early as The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2, in which Olivia Munn cameoed as a reporter covering Stark Expo, and as recently as all of the Marvel Disney+ TV shows.

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