Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]Black Widow’s Butterfly effect[/post_page_title]

Please put on some scuba gear as we dive into a rabbit hole. When Yelena and Natasha lurk in a Hungarian subway station’s ventilation duct, it happens to be the same one she and Clint hid in all those years ago. We see a few tic-tac-toe games, and a game of hangman, which one of them lost despite it being blindingly obvious the word was “butterfly.”

Black Widow’s Butterfly effect

Butterflies have shown up in the MCU before, but consider mutant Layla Miller, A.K.A. Butterfly, who can reanimate the deceased at the cost of their soul. Intriguing, considering Natasha traded her life on Vormir in exchange for the Soul Stone.

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