Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]Russian sleeper agents, Russian sleeper agents everywhere[/post_page_title]

If the opening family scenes of Black Widow seem familiar, it’s either because you’re a fan of The Americans or because you’re very interested in international espionage. Much like Black Widow’s “family” of transplanted Russian agents, The Americans followed a Russian sleeper cell family embedded in a suburb of Washington D.C.

Russian sleeper agents, Russian sleeper agents everywhere

The only difference between the two is that Natasha and her sister are spies too, as opposed to unwitting accomplices like in The Americans. Both show and movie were, in turn, inspired by the real-life 2010 “Illegals Program” uncovered by the U.S. government – a Russian plot to transplant ten sleeper agents in America.

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