Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]Natasha’s 23andMe came back with a psychologist referral[/post_page_title]

True to form as a shadowy Russian assassin, we never got to find out too much about Natasha’s real family throughout her multiple MCU appearances. The only info we were given, really, was her dad’s name – Red Skull calls her “daughter of Ivan” when she gets to Vormir. Black Widow, however, shows us the more important parent may have been her mother.

Natasha’s 23andMe came back with a psychologist referral

Natasha begins the movie believing her biological mom abandoned her in the street, but later learns through Melina that she was instead bought as a child. Her mother nevertheless tried to track her down, so Dreykov had her bumped off before she could expose his operation.

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