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[post_page_title]General Ross’s Ant-Man putdown is hilarious – if you’re a boomer[/post_page_title]

When General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, now the Secretary of State, speaks to Natasha on the phone, he informs her that he’s already caught and imprisoned her fellow rogue Avengers. “We got Barton, we got Wilson,” Ross tells her, referring to Hawkeye and Falcon, and then adds, “and the other guy, the incredible shrinking convict.”

General Ross’s Ant-Man putdown is hilarious – if you’re a boomer

This is a continuation of a running gag where nobody in the Avengers can seem to remember Scott Lang’s name – or even who he is. More than that, though, it’s a riff on the title of 1957 sci-fi classic The Incredible Shrinking Man. Hilarious, we guess, if you’re 75.

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