Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]A super deep cut for fans of medieval epic poems[/post_page_title]

For the briefest of moments, while Natasha and Yelena are flying to free their dear old “dad” Alexei from the Russian prison he’s in, we get to see what the place is called – Seventh Circle Prison. In all likelihood, the name is a reference to medieval Italian poet’s Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.

A super deep cut for fans of medieval epic poems

“Inferno,” the part of the epic poem that deals with the underworld, says the seventh circle is reserved for sinners who have committed acts of brutality and violence – fitting, considering the Red Guardian’s track record. Also, fun aside – this is actually David Harbour’s SECOND time in a Russian prison, after Stranger Things.

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