Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]The truth is in the tattooing[/post_page_title]

Apparently, Alexei spent most of his time in Russian prison getting inked. He sports numerous tattoos, and while some are obvious gags – like “KARL MARX” on his knuckles – others have a deeper meaning. David Harbour’s own favorite Alexei tattoo is on his neck – Melina’s face, with her name written underneath in Russian.

The truth is in the tattooing

His favorite, he said, because he loves Rachel Weisz. Interestingly, Alexei describes his time playing family with Natasha and Yelena as “tedious, boring me to tears.” Well, he has a double rose tattoo on his bicep, underneath which is a ribbon saying “Natasha” and “Yelena” in Cyrillic writing – proof the tough guy routine was an act.

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