Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]The first mutant in the MCU?[/post_page_title]

As fans know, Marvel didn’t have access to the X-Men, or even to the word “mutant,” before Disney’s Fox purchase. Now, it’s only a matter of time before we see mutants on the big screen. Or maybe we have already? During Alexei’s prison stay, he arm-wrestles several fellow inmates and beats them easily.

The first mutant in the MCU?

The last prisoner he faces, played by seven-foot-two bodybuilder Olivier Richters, is called “Ursa” and a “bear” by Alexei. Richters caused a social media frenzy by claiming this was, in fact, the first MCU appearance by a mutant – Mikhail Ursus, A.K.A. Ursa Major, whose mutant power enables him to transform into a gigantic, all-powerful bear.

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