Small Details And Easter Eggs Most People Missed In ‘Black Widow’

[post_page_title]Oh no she Crimson Dynamo-idn’t![/post_page_title]

During their time in Melina’s farm, Alexei and Yelena have a “father”-“daughter” talk that goes south pretty quickly. Interrupting Alexei’s bizarre story about his own father relieving himself on him, Yelena blurts out that all he cares to talk about are his “stupid glory days as Crimson Dynamo.”

Oh no she Crimson Dynamo-idn’t!

Intentional insult? Maybe, but still a reference to the actual Crimson Dynamo – a Soviet armor-clad superhero who was a member of the Winter Guard. Russia’s answer to the Avengers, the group also featured Ursa Major, who cameos in Black Widow, and Red Guardian himself. Incidentally, the original Crimson Dynamo was Anton Vanko – father to Iron Man 2’s Ivan Vanko/Whiplash.

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