Movie Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

[post_page_title]Great efforts, guys (Hannibal: Rome’s Worst Nightmare)[/post_page_title]

Admittedly, this is cheating because Hannibal: Rome’s Worst Nightmare is a TV movie that was never theatrically released. Still, a movie’s a movie and this counts. Here’s the thing about sword-and-sandals flicks – they almost always feature a huge battle involving a gazillion extras. And they all look epic and exciting… so long as you don’t look too closely.

Great efforts, guys (Hannibal: Rome’s Worst Nightmare)

Hannibal’s actually the exception to that rule, because you don’t even need to look closely to see it’s terrible. From the guy wearing plaid on the left to just every extra fighting like a four-year-old at recess, we wish Rome returned just so it could fall again.

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