Movie Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

[post_page_title]Really aiming to live out that title, huh? (Almost Famous)[/post_page_title]

Frances McDormand is an Oscar, Emmy, and Tony-winning actress. When she’s up on the big screen, you can’t look at anyone else. Well, except for that one scene in Almost Famous. McDormand plays Elaine, the mother of the movie’s main character. In one scene, she attends his graduation despite the fact he isn’t actually there.

Really aiming to live out that title, huh? (Almost Famous)

It’s supposed to be a small, intense moment – and it would’ve been, in not for the extra over her shoulder completely mugging it up. Singled out in the DVD commentary by director Cameron Crowe himself, he said she did exactly what extras shouldn’t do.

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