Movie Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

[post_page_title]Live long and pros– Oops, wrong sci-fi property! (Logan’s Run)[/post_page_title]

Though regrettably forgotten today, 1976’s Logan’s Run was a solid sci-fi adventure flick. The movie’s plot was intriguing – a supposedly utopian society of young people enjoys life’s base pleasures by secretly executing every person who turns 30.

Live long and pros– Oops, wrong sci-fi property! (Logan’s Run)

The movie ends with the young people meeting the first old man they’d ever seen. As they flock to touch him in disbelief, one hand is raised… and gives the Star Trek Vulcan salute. The extra later said he just wanted a way to locate himself in the movie, and didn’t actually mean to create an inadvertent crossover.

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