Iron Man Hidden Details And Easter Eggs

[post_page_title]Do as Tony says, not as he does, we guess[/post_page_title]

Peter Parker’s whole thing is being a wisecracking nerd. His… talents in the field are on full display in his first official MCU appearance in Avengers: Infinity War. Besides talking about “That really old movie, Empire Strikes Back,” Peter also name-drops Ridley Scott’s Alien when he’s on Ebony Maw’s Q-Ship with Tony and Doctor Strange.

Do as Tony says, not as he does, we guess

If aliens end up implanting eggs in his chest and he eats somebody, Peter says, he apologizes. A fed-up Tony then says he doesn’t want another pop culture reference from him for the rest of the trip… before pulling a very familiar-looking gun on Drax. What happened to your rule, Tony?

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