Iron Man Hidden Details And Easter Eggs

[post_page_title]All the publicity Burger King would never want[/post_page_title]

When Tony returns to the U.S. in Iron Man after deciding to quit selling weapons, his first request is a Burger King cheeseburger. This isn’t a cheap plug. Well, okay, it isn’t JUST a cheap plug. It’s also a cute nod by Robert Downey Jr. himself to a life-changing moment from 2003. He was sitting in his car, which was full of various illegal substances, eating Burger King takeout.

All the publicity Burger King would never want

The burger was so gross, he recounted, that he decided right there to clean up his act. RDJ inserted that scene to mirror Burger King saving his life, though they probably weren’t thrilled with the whole “disgusting burger” part.

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