Iron Man Hidden Details And Easter Eggs

[post_page_title]That’s an on point (break) reference[/post_page_title]

One of the best things about Tony’s characterization is that he has a nickname for literally everyone he meets – Nebula’s “Blue Meanie,” Hawkeye’s “Legolas,” and Captain America is “Capsicle.” But in The Avengers, he produces one of his best yet, calling Thor “Point Break,” after the 1991 surfing/crime movie of the same name, starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.

That’s an on point (break) reference

Just a funny throwaway gag? Have you met Marvel? Five years later, in Thor: Ragnarok, Thor learns that his own unique password to the Quinjet isn’t “Thor Odinson” or “Strongest Avengers” (despite how much he wants it to be). It’s… Yep, “Point Break.”

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