Iron Man Hidden Details And Easter Eggs

[post_page_title]RDJ’s kids were the first to love him 3,000[/post_page_title]

With all the rush to tie up 11 years and 21 movies’ worth of events with a single film, we won’t fault anyone for missing the small, human moments in Avengers: Endgame. But they’re totally there. Unsurprisingly, one of the better ones is supplied by Robert Downey Jr.

RDJ’s kids were the first to love him 3,000

Saying good night to his daughter Morgan, Tony tells her, “Love you tons.” She replies, “I love you 3,000.” If the line sounds so real… it’s because it was. Apparently, one of RDJ’s kids once said that to him, and when he told directors the Russo brothers, they liked it so much they incorporated it into the script.

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