Inside Meghan Markle’s complex relationship with fellow celebs

Inside Meghan Markle’s complex relationship with fellow celebs

You probably don’t need us to tell you that Meghan Markle is one of the most famous women in the world, right? The Duchess of Sussex is so much more than just a new addition to the Royal Family, as this leading lady also has a history in Hollywood behind her. Thanks to these two lives, Meghan has met some high-flying celebrities over the course of her career – but she hasn’t always left the best impression on them.

Meghan Markle and Pippa Middleton

Just as Meghan Markle is on the sidelines of the Royal Family, so is Pippa Middleton. In fact, there was once a time when the media wanted Prince Harry and Kate Middleton’s sister to hook up – which is probably why there’s reportedly animosity between these two.

Meghan Markle and Pippa Middleton

These two are beloved by their fans, but it’s been suggested that they just don’t get along. Could this have something to do with the burgeoning feud between Meghan and Kate? We would imagine that Pippa would always take her sister’s side, of course.

Feeling pushed out

While many stories suggest that Pippa is sitting well and truly in her sister’s camp, there are other reports that insinuate that the goings-on behind the scenes are a little different. These sources suggest that Pippa Middleton resents the time that Meghan Markle spend together…

Feeling pushed out

Or are forced to spend together – and that she has since felt as though she was being pushed out. Pippa and Kate have always been close, but are they close anymore? Well, that still remains to be seen.

Meghan Markle and Katy Perry

People will be talking about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Royal Wedding for centuries to come, and while most fans couldn’t help but gush over the dashing bride, it seems as though popstar Katy Perry couldn’t join that club.

Meghan Markle and Katy Perry

When asked what she thought about the Royal Wedding, Katy reportedly noted that her dress wasn’t quite up to standard and that the Duchess should have worn another gown as she needed “one more fitting.” We can’t imagine that Meghan was too pleased with that comment.

Choosing sides

However, it seems as though Katy Perry didn’t just make comments about the Duchess of Sussex’s wedding dress. She also used the Royal Wedding to do something that many people have been guilty of in the past; she compared Meghan to her sister-in-law.

Choosing sides

Yes, many people have spent the past few years comparing Meghan and Kate, and this was especially true when it came to their weddings. When Katy had her say, she noted that “Kate, Kate won, Kate won.”

Meghan Markle and Wendy Williams

If you’re a fan of American television, there’s a high chance that you’re familiar with Wendy Williams. That’s because this lady has been ruling our screens for years, and she has become somewhat of an expert in relationships and love.

Meghan Markle and Wendy Williams

While many hoped that she would fall in love with Meghan Markle, that just hasn’t been the case. Although it’s not known when the relationship turned sour between them, it’s been suggested that Wendy hasn’t been a fan since around 2017.

A random princess

In one particular episode of the Wendy Williams Show back in 2017, Wendy noted that Meghan had actually applied to work on her show back in the day. However, instead of calling her by her name, Wendy called the Duchess of Sussex a “random princess.”

A random princess

Since then, she has made no secret of the fact that she doesn’t believe that a former Hollywood actress and Deal or No Deal model has any place within the British Royal Family. She’s made sure that everyone knows her thoughts.

Meghan Markle and Erin Foster

You might know who Erin Foster is, as this woman has become known for her comedy spoofs across the pond. She regularly uses her social media channels to showcase her comedy skills, and she did just that in 2017 when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their engagement.

Meghan Markle and Erin Foster

On Instagram, she shared a picture of Meghan Markle on the set of Deal or No Deal with the words “Never forget” across it. Many could see that this was a dig at Meghan’s past, but this was just the start of her tirade.

Going from rags to riches

Anyone who knows Meghan Markle will know that she has gone from rags to riches and really built up an incredible name for herself – especially as she did it without the help of a rich or famous family. However, there are some people who have questioned her motives, and Erin is one of them.

Going from rags to riches

After posting her “Never forget” photo, Erin posted another. Yes, this was another photo of Meghan while on the set of Deal or No Deal, but this time it read, “This briefcase is filled with my plans to be famous.”

Meghan Markle and Kate Hawkesbury

Many people across the globe have reached their own opinions of Meghan Markle, but just like Kate Hawkesbury, they have never actually met her in person. That hasn’t stopped Kate from jumping to conclusions and making them known to the world.

Meghan Markle and Kate Hawkesbury

This New Zealand native has noted that she instinctively feels as though Meghan is bad news and has an ulterior motive for marrying Prince Harry. In her eyes, she doesn’t think that the Duchess is genuine about her intentions.

Telling some lies

So, where has Kate got this impression from? It seems as though she first felt that something wasn’t quite right when she heard the story of Meghan and Harry’s first date. The radio personality just couldn’t get her head around the fact that Meghan had no idea who Prince Harry was when they went on their blind date…

Telling some lies

As he’s arguably one of the most famous men in the world. Alongside this, Kate also seems to believe that Meghan is going against many of the Royal Family’s traditions.

Meghan and Thomas Markle Jr.

It’s no secret that the Royal Family are all extremely close, but it’s safe to say that the same can’t be said for the Markle family. Stories surrounding her estranged family have plagued the media, and more and more people have wanted to know about the ties she cut loose from her father’s side of the family.

Meghan and Thomas Markle Jr.

With this new attention on them, many of her relatives decided to speak out about Meghan, and Thomas Markle Jr. – her half-brother – was particularly ruthless with his open letter to Prince Harry.

Don’t marry her

In fact, he used this open letter to reach out to the Prince and urge him to rethink his decision to marry Meghan Markle. He noted that Meghan had become overcome with fame and fortune and that she had let the limelight change who she is.

Don’t marry her

To be more specific, he suggested that Meghan had become “jaded, shallow, [and] conceited” during her time in Hollywood. While Prince Harry ignored the letter, there’s no doubt about the fact that it left many fans questioning her.

Meghan Markle and Katie Hopkins

There are many people on this planet who aren’t afraid to speak their mind, and Katie Hopkins is definitely one of those people. While she has certainly burned many bridges over the years, it seems as though this infamous newspaper columnist has put a target on Meghan Markle’s head since she made her way into the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle and Katie Hopkins

Over the years, Katie has been extremely outspoken about her dislike for the Duchess of Sussex, and even referred to her as the “budget Princess Di.”

Comparing them

Katie Hopkins has certainly not let up when it comes to Meghan Markle, and she has used every opportunity she has to try and bring her down. Of course, she has rarely had anything nice to say, and this was especially true on the day of the Royal Wedding.

Comparing them

On what was supposed to be an extremely special day for everyone around the world, Katie posted a side-by-side photo of Meghan and Kate in their wedding gowns with the comment, “No competition. You can’t buy class.”

Meghan Markle and Samantha Markle

It seems as though most of Meghan Markle’s family has caused drama the years, and the same can be said for Samantha Markle – Meghan’s half-sister. Over the years, Samantha has not been afraid to come out and tell us how she really feels, and it’s safe to say that she doesn’t take too kindly to her half-sister being in the limelight.

Meghan Markle and Samantha Markle

She has often referred to Meghan as the “Duchess of Nonsense,” and even suggested that Meghan has ignored her family since making her way into the world of fame and fortune.

She’s not been happy

More than anything, Samantha Markle has been speaking out about her tense relationship with Meghan because she’s not been happy. She resented the way that the Markle family was being shown to the masses, and she lashed out on numerous occasions.

She’s not been happy

While Samantha has since tried to apologize to the Duchess, it seems as though Meghan isn’t having any of it. Of course, this has made Samantha even angrier, and she has since called her half-sister a social climber.

Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie

While Meghan Markle has certainly been caught up in arms with her own family, things have also been tense a little closer to her second home. Although many royal fans would love to believe that Meghan has fit in seamlessly to royal life, it’s been suggested that this isn’t the case at all.

Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie

In fact, it’s believed that Meghan and Princess Eugenie have fallen out. This first came to light when it was suggested that Eugenie had to push back her wedding because Meghan wanted to get married first.

All about her

Although Princess Eugenie has grown up with her cousins Prince William and Prince Harry taking precedence, she wanted her wedding day to be all about her. She had her plans in place, and she wanted her September 2018 wedding to come to life.

All about her

However, that all had to change when Meghan and Harry announced that they also wanted to get married earlier in 2018. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s been suggested that Meghan ruined Eugenie’s later wedding by announcing her pregnancy to the family.

Meghan Markle and Trevor Engelson

Many people can’t imagine Meghan Markle with anyone but Prince Harry, but it’s important to note that there was a time when Meghan was married to someone else. That man was Trevor Engelson.

Meghan Markle and Trevor Engelson

These two were together for a long time, and many assumed that they would go the whole hog, but it seems as though things just weren’t meant to be. Reports suggest that their marriage didn’t end amicably and that Trevor did not enjoy seeing his ex-wife move on with a prince.

Sending it back

While details around their marriage and the breakdown of their marriage are still scarce, royal biographer Andrew Morton has released details that he seems to have found over the years. According to him, Trevor discovered that his wife wanted a divorce when she simply mailed her wedding ring back to him.

Sending it back

He had no heads-up, and he wasn’t even expecting it. Some have suggested that the torch still blows for Meghan, even though they have now both moved on.

Meghan Markle and Thomas Markle Sr.

It’s no secret that Meghan Markle has struggled with her family over the years, and it seems as though things have been pretty strained with her father for the past few years. That’s because Meghan has been estranged from Thomas Markle Sr. since she made her way into the limelight.

Meghan Markle and Thomas Markle Sr.

And it’s been suggested that Thomas was even pretty absent when Meghan was growing up. While he has denied this in the past, Meghan has always stated that she has paved her own way in life.

Not in attendance

Of course, the biggest controversy surrounding Meghan Markle and her father is the fact that he did not attend her wedding. He was one of the only members of her family to actually be invited to the wedding, but he didn’t make it.

Not in attendance

Before the wedding, he found himself caught up in a ring of lies, including being paid by the paparazzi to pose for shots of him buying a wedding suit. In the end, it was noted that he could not attend the nuptials because he was undergoing heart surgery.

Meghan Markle and Ninaki Priddy

It seems as though one of the issues that people have with Meghan Markle is the fact that her past was very different from her life now – and some people have a problem with that. This is certainly the case with Ninaki Priddy, who was best friends with the Duchess when she was younger.

Meghan Markle and Ninaki Priddy

The friends went to school together, and they even took a trip to England together – where they posed in front of Buckingham Palace. However, Meghan and Ninaki are no longer friends.

She wasn’t surprised

Although many people were surprised when Prince Harry announced his new bride-to-be, this didn’t come as much of a shock to Ninaki. According to Meghan’s ex-best-friend, she had been planning that day for as long as she could remember…

She wasn’t surprised

Including when they took a trip to England and spotted the Queen’s fancy abode. According to Priddy, Meghan had become obsessed with being a royal and had always had dreams of becoming “Princess Diana 2.0.” It seems as though her dream eventually came true.

Meghan Markle and cory Vitiello

Many people assume that Meghan Markle was single for a while before she met Prince Harry, but that just wasn’t the case. She had actually been dating someone just a few weeks before she had her blind date with the Prince, and the man in question was celebrity chef Cory Vitiello.

Meghan Markle and cory Vitiello

These two dated for a little while after they met in his Toronto restaurant, and many of her friends noted that they were inseparable. They assumed that these two would go the whole hog – but we all know that didn’t happen.

Securing those connections

According to sources close to the Duchess, Cory was actually the man who introduced her to the people in the elite celebrity world. These people eventually led Meghan to her blind date with Prince Harry, which didn’t end too well for Cory.

Securing those connections

As the owner of a chicken restaurant, Cory couldn’t believe it when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced that they got engaged while they were cooking chicken. He even posted a video on social media of chickens, stating that it “Never gets old.”

Meghan Markle and Camilla Parker Bowles

Meghan Marke has certainly caused a ruckus over the years, and while she has ruffled quite a few celebrity feathers, she’s also ruffled many royal feathers. This has certainly been the case for Camilla Parker Bowles.

Meghan Markle and Camilla Parker Bowles

It’s been reported that Camilla made no secret of the fact that she didn’t like the new addition to the Royal Family, and especially didn’t like her because she was American, a former Hollywood actress, and someone who came from common descent. She reportedly bad-mouthed Meghan to friends of the Royal Family.

An embarrassment

Camilla hasn’t stopped there, though. It’s believed that Camilla has told anyone who would listen that Meghan is an embarrassment to the royal name and that she has no place within their esteemed, British family.

An embarrassment

She has supposedly noted that she would not have allowed the marriage to go ahead if she had been Queen when they got together and that she wasn’t happy when she learned that Meghan’s ring included two of the late Lady Di’s diamonds in it.

Meghan Markle and the Queen

There was once a time when Meghan Markle seemed to be doing everything to get on the Royal Family’s good side. It seemed to be working for a little while, but it wasn’t long before Meghan and Harry shocked the world when they announced that they no longer wanted to be a part of royal duties.

Meghan Markle and the Queen

While some people understood their decision, the Queen was reportedly hurt by the fact that they wanted to step down – especially as she asked them to keep the news to themselves for a little while.

Meghan Markle and Daniel Radcliffe

While it’s not known whether Meghan Markle and Daniel Radcliffe have ever actually met in person, it seems as though this Harry Potter has made no secret of the fact that he’s not a fan of Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle and Daniel Radcliffe

In fact, he’s not a fan of the Royal Family at all. He feels like there is no need for such a family, and that they no longer have the power they once did. He especially doesn’t like Prince Harry after he wore a certain costume back in 2005.

Not watching the wedding

On one particular occasion, Daniel Radcliffe was asked whether he would be turning on his television and watching the Royal Wedding. He didn’t have to think too long or hard about his answer, and he was quick to note that he would not be tuning in.

Not watching the wedding

It seems as though he just doesn’t have the time for such a family, and he doesn’t have time for a woman who has since caused a huge amount of drama within the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle and Melissa Toubati

You can tell a lot about a person by the way that they treat their staff, and it’s been suggested on numerous occasions that Meghan Markle just can’t hold down a personal assistant. Just six months after she became the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan had to say goodbye to Melissa Toubati, who had been working as her PA.

Meghan Markle and Melissa Toubati

While Kensington Palace paid tribute to her hard work when they announced her resignation, more stories soon made their way out of the woodwork as the days wore on.

Not a good boss

As the tabloids learned more about Melissa and her place within Meghan Markle’s team, it was noted that Melissa had left because she couldn’t take having the Duchess as her boss. She felt under so much pressure every single day…

Not a good boss

And she would often spend her days crying because of the workload and the tasks her boss gave to her. Apparently, she would start work at 5am, and then work 16-hour days to satisfy the Duchess’s demands that were often impossible and unreasonable.

Meghan Markle and Chrissie Swan

People across the world have their opinions when it comes to Meghan Markle, and many of these opinions even stretch across the pond, all the way to Australia. Yes, Chrissie Swan has been pretty vocal about her thoughts on the Duchess of Sussex over the years.

Meghan Markle and Chrissie Swan

The Australian television personality didn’t hold back when she learned that Meghan and Harry were dating and that they were going to get married, and she made sure that the world knew her thoughts.

Totally fake

In Chrissie Swan’s eyes, Meghan Markle is one of the fakest people out there. In her eyes, she does not love Prince Harry in any way but is instead playing the role – just as she played numerous roles while working as a Hollywood actress.

Totally fake

She believes that Meghan is acting as a humble princess when in actual fact, she’s just looking for fame and fortune. While there are many people who agree with Chrissie, there are others who can’t believe her views.

Meghan Markle and Jan Moir

If you’re familiar with the name Jan Moir, you may know that this woman is a famous British columnist who is not afraid to write about her real views. She has done that in the past with Meghan Markle, but as you can imagine, these views have not been very positive.

Meghan Markle and Jan Moir

Instead, they have been scathing. Her articles on the Duchess of Sussex have gained a huge amount of attention over the years, both for good reasons and for bad, and she has amassed many critics and many fans.

Just helping herself

More than anything, Jan has an issue with Meghan’s approach to global issues and crises. In her eyes, she doesn’t believe that Meghan takes part in charity events or works for the good of other people, but rather for the good of herself.

Just helping herself

It’s been noted that she supposedly does this for more fame and fortune, and to build up her name and her brand as another Princess Diana. This has caused a rift through the British media, with people taking sides between Meghan and Jan.

Meghan Markle and Gary Janetti

There are many people in this world who have outright said that they don’t like Meghan Markle, but there’s no doubt about the fact that Gary Janetti has done this in another way. Rather than commenting specifically on the Duchess, he has instead used the power of imagery.

Meghan Markle and Gary Janetti

The television writer regularly posts memes and pictures on his social media profiles that seem to be aimed at Meghan Markle and her place within the Royal Family.

A sassy post

When writing about Meghan and using these pictures to show off his beliefs, Gary often uses pictures of Prince George to help him out. He will normally take a headline about the Duchess and mix that together with a picture of the young royal.

A sassy post

The end result is certainly a sassy post, and it’s also something that causes a huge amount of controversy online. There are people who find it funny, while there are others who find it inappropriate.

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton

We already know that many critics of Meghan Markle love to compare her to Kate Middleton, but it seems as though there is more to their relationship than that. In fact, it’s been suggested that these two have been in an ongoing feud for many years now.

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton

While they often put on a show for the sake of the press and the public, it’s been reported that things are pretty tense behind closed doors. It’s even been suggested that the feud between these two women has also driven the two princes apart.

Battling for the crown

Since making their way into the Royal Family, both Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have found themselves under an intense amount of scrutiny. Many people want someone to step up to the plate to become the “People’s Princess” just like Lady Diana…

Battling for the crown

And it seems as though these two are now battling it out to take that crown. With this competition in mind, it should come as no surprise to learn that there’s probably a lot of tension between these women.

Meghan Markle and Piers Morgan

There’s a high chance that you know who Piers Morgan is – whether you like him or not. This British television presenter and columnist has made no secret of the fact that he does not like Meghan Markle, but things haven’t always been this way.

Meghan Markle and Piers Morgan

In fact, there was once an occasion where these two considered themselves friends and even hung out a few times. Yet, Piers reported that as soon as Meghan got her leg-up in high society and met Prince Harry, she ditched him.

A social climber

Because of this, Piers has come to his own conclusion that Meghan is a social climber who has no place within the Royal Family. While many people have labeled him as bitter after he was ghosted by the now-Duchess…

A social climber

Piers claims that Meghan is nothing more than an actress who has been playing her part all the way to the top of the food chain. He often talks about Meghan and slates almost everything she does on a regular basis.

Meghan Markle and their neighbors

When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry turned down the chance to live in Kensington Palace with Kate and William, they certainly caused a stir. However, what caused even more of a stir was when they decided to move around 20 miles away from their family in London to Windsor.

Meghan Markle and their neighbors

They called Frogmore Cottage their new home and made some serious changes to their abode to make it perfect for them. Yet, this didn’t go down well with the neighbors.

Given strict rules

When Meghan and Harry moved in, those living around the royals attended a village meeting where they were told of the strict rules they would need to abide by if they were to continue living near to the famous couple.

Given strict rules

They were not allowed to approach the couple or their son, they couldn’t get close to their dogs, and they weren’t allowed to interact with baby Archie. The neighbors didn’t take too kindly to being told what to do in their own village.

Meghan Markle and Princess Beatrice

We already know that there have been tensions between Meghan Markle and Princess Eugenie, but it seems as though things aren’t so great between Meghan and Beatrice, either. It’s been suggested that Beatrice has grown tired of the attention that Meghan has received since making her way into the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle and Princess Beatrice

As if that wasn’t enough, it’s been noted that Meghan isn’t too keen on Beatrice either, especially when she announced her engagement when Meghan was on an important trip.

Not invited

To make matters worse, it’s been suggested that things became even more tense when Meghan announced that she was pregnant. As the months wore on, news broke that Meghan would be having a baby shower in New York – and Beatrice was not invited.

Not invited

Even if she had decided not to go because she was busy or because she didn’t want to go, Beatrice thought that she should have been invited to the baby shower out of respect for their royal allegiances.

Meghan Markle and Amy Schumer

Meghan Markle has many feuds with celebrities across the world, but it seems as though the feud between Meghan and Amy Schumer is more tongue-in-cheek than anything else. The couple announced their engagement at almost the same time.

Meghan Markle and Amy Schumer

And this created somewhat of a bond between the two of them – even though they aren’t actually friends. The comedian would often post pictures of herself photoshopped onto Meghan’s body, and this made fans across the world laugh out loud when they saw them.

Growing together

As if that isn’t enough, Amy and Meghan also announced their pregnancy at the same time. It seems as though they are destined to share these big life moments together, and they both gave birth very close to each other’s due dates.

Growing together

When Amy found out, she obviously poked fun at the fact that she was on par with one of the most famous women in the world, and tried to suggest that she was better than the Duchess in a light-hearted way.

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