To avid historians and everyday people alike, looking at old medieval castles can be a sight to behold. Some of them almost look like they belong in science-fiction movies, but they were constructed to serve great purposes back in the day.
Looking back on them now, it can be seen and assessed just how intuitive and ingenious the overall designs were. There were so many small features that ended up playing huge roles. Let’s take a deep dive into history and check some of them out.

[post_page_title]The importance of the bailey[/post_page_title]
On top of being very majestic to look at and view, castles are also designed to house quite a few different things. One of the most important features of any castle is the bailey.

The importance of the bailey can’t be understated as it’s responsible for housing many of the people that are responsible for keeping the castles running, in the first place. From blacksmiths to potters to even local artisans, these handymen needed to be prioritized for their upkeep prowess.