It’s so compelling to sit back and analyze pictures from the past. Yet, it’s so much more compelling to view them when you understand the stories behind them. It’s one thing to learn of a historical fact or occurrence, and then it’s another thing completely to actually see a photograph demonstrating such.
That’s what we want to accomplish today. We want to show off some historical photographs that aren’t nearly as amazing until you learn of their intriguing stories. We’re just as excited as everybody else, so let’s kick this thing off.

[post_page_title]Talking to folks back home[/post_page_title]
Over the last several decades, one of the largest improvements in the world has been cellular technology. Today, virtually everyone has a smartphone and enjoys the luxuries that they provide. Way back in the 1970s, though, people didn’t have such luxuries.

Take a look at this group of young schoolgirls as they all had to wait their turn to use the public telephones. Not only did they have to wait for their turns, but they also had to make quick work of their phone calls. Crazy how much has changed since then.