Hidden Easter Eggs In The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

[post_page_title]Very different lists[/post_page_title]

In TFATWS, Bucky keeps a list of the people he hurt as Hydra’s brainwashed assassin the Winter Soldier, in a notebook that highly resembles Steve’s to-do list from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In TFATWS’s third episode, we discover it IS the same notebook.

Very different lists

While the lists are very different – Steve’s was about catching up on pop culture, while Bucky’s was about righting past wrongs – some names stand out. There’s Zemo, but also Kaminski, likely referring to Marvel Comics writer Len Kaminski. Another name is P.W. Hauser – probably a nod to Sebastian Stan’s I, Tonya co-star Paul Walter Hauser, who was giddy with the shoutout on Twitter.

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