Hidden Easter Eggs In The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

[post_page_title]Agent Carter is dead, long live Agent Carter![/post_page_title]

Sharon Carter became a fugitive after helping the rogue Avengers in Captain America: Civil War. In TFATWS, we discover she settled in Madripoor and became the mysterious Power Broker. Episode six’s mid-credits scene shows, however, that Sam was able to pull some strings to get her a pardon and a reinstatement with the government.

Agent Carter is dead, long live Agent Carter!

It’s during that hearing that the senator refers to her as “Agent Carter.” Until now, Sharon’s only been called either her full name or Agent 13, while “Agent Carter” was her great-aunt Peggy, who served with Steve in World War II and co-founded S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, we guess there’s a new Agent Carter in town now!

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