Facts About Amish Hygiene And Lifestyle Habits

[post_page_title]The Amish are Plain Joes and Janes[/post_page_title]

The Amish, and the Mennonites from which they separated, are known collectively as “the plain people.” Usually, “plain” isn’t exactly an adjective that’s used as a compliment, but the Amish wear it as a badge of honor. To them, living a plain life is the ultimate sign of Christian virtue. And part of living that lifestyle is their choice of dress.

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To them, plain clothes symbolize modesty and practicality – and discourage things like jealousy. Amish women, then, wear long, solid-colored, and long-sleeved dresses with head coverings, while men wear black suits and coats without collars, lapels, pockets or zippers.

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