Facts About Amish Hygiene And Lifestyle Habits

[post_page_title]Some Amish women are barred from shaving their legs[/post_page_title]

The Amish Ordnung, the guidelines that shepherd the Amish along through life, remains unwritten. It’s been described as an “oral map” that regulates all aspects of their life, both public and private. “The people just know it, that’s all,” one Amishman explained.

Some Amish women are barred from shaving their legs

Beyond the obvious stuff, though, like no public electricity or divorce, the Ordnung also helps the Amish live better Christian lives, or so they believe, free of vanity and the trappings of modern conceits. The ultra-conservative Schwartzentruber community’s Ordnung, for example, forbids women to shave their legs or underarms, or cut their hair.

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