Facts About Amish Hygiene And Lifestyle Habits

[post_page_title]The reason Amish men don’t sport mustaches[/post_page_title]

Let’s talk facial hair. After all, it’s one of the first thing anyone notices about Amish men. So why do Amish rock long, ZZ Top-type beards, only without mustaches? As for beards, Leviticus specifically tells men not to shave, so Amish men pay homage to their biblical forebears that way. Mustaches, on the other hand, are shaven for two reasons.

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The first one concerns hygiene, but that’s minor. The big reason is Amish belief in nonresistance – avoiding confrontation in all areas of life. Since mustaches were synonymous with 19th-century military service – soldiers were required to grow them – Amish shave them.

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