Facts About Amish Hygiene And Lifestyle Habits

[post_page_title]Some Amish refuse to follow modern hygiene standards, costing themselves money[/post_page_title]

Anyone who thinks that the Amish’s life in a bubble doesn’t come with a very real price tag should reconsider. As a result of their self-imposed limitations, certain Amish sects have limited their own earning potential. We’ll focus on the conservative Swartzentrubers.

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Not only do their shops not use electricity from the grid, but they don’t use pneumatic or hydraulic power either, instead resorting to line shaft technology that went extinct in the early 20th century. Swartzentrubers don’t adhere to modern hygiene food standards either – since they don’t use cooling tanks for their milk, they can only sell it for cheese-making, fetching a lower price.

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