Facts About Amish Hygiene And Lifestyle Habits

[post_page_title]Home births and birth centers are extremely popular[/post_page_title]

For the “English,” as the Amish call anyone who isn’t them, giving birth is a monumental, extraordinary occasion. For the Amish, it’s a Tuesday. Kidding aside, with kids reaching double digits, Amish birth is more or less a seasonal event. It’s not that they don’t treasure new additions – it’s that they’re pros.

Home births and birth centers are extremely popular

As such, they know what they like, and Amish women overwhelmingly prefer giving birth either at home or at special birthing centers. The problem is, of course, maintaining proper hygienic standards, something that isn’t always possible away from a hospital. Nevertheless, the Amish put their trust in God, and continue the practice undaunted.

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